
Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Optional, Tuple

import torch
from torch import Tensor

    from kornia.feature import non_maxima_suppression2d
except ImportError:

    def non_maxima_suppression2d(*args, **kwargs):
        raise ImportError(
            "PointsToAnchors requires kornia. "
            "Please install combustion with 'vision' extras using "
            "pip install combustion [vision]"

[docs]class AnchorsToPoints: r"""Transform that converts bounding boxes to CenterNet style labels as described in the paper `Objects as Points`_. Transformed outputs are as follows * probabilities of a pixel being a box center of class `i` with gaussian smoothing * x and y coordinates of the bounding box center in a downsampled grid * height and width of the anchor box Args: num_classes (int): The number of possible classes for classification. downsample (int): An integer factor by which the image size will be downsampled to produce the label heatmap. iou_threshold (float, optional) The IoU threshold required for a possible anchor box to be considered in the calculation of the Gaussian smoothing sigma. Default 0.7. radius_div (float, optional): The factor by which the radius of all possible anchor boxes with IoU > threshold will be divided to determine the Gaussian smoothing sigma. Default 3. Shape: - Bounding boxes: :math:`(*, N, 4)` where :math:`*` means an optional batch dimension and :math:`N` is the number of bounding boxes - Classes: :math:`(*, N, 1)` - Output: :math:`(*, C + 4, H, W)` where :math:`C` is the number of classes, and :math:`H, W` are the height and width of the downsampled heatmap. .. _Objects as Points: """ def __init__( self, num_classes: int, downsample: int, iou_threshold: Optional[float] = 0.7, radius_div: Optional[float] = 3 ): self.num_classes = abs(int(num_classes)) self.downsample = abs(int(downsample)) self.iou_threshold = abs(float(iou_threshold)) self.radius_div = abs(float(radius_div)) def __repr__(self): s = f"AnchorsToPoints(num_classes={self.num_classes}" s += f", R={self.downsample}" s += f", iou={self.iou_threshold}" s += f", radius_div={self.radius_div}" s += ")" return s def __call__(self, bbox: Tensor, classes: Tensor, shape: Tuple[int, int]) -> Tensor: original_ndim = bbox.ndim # recurse on batched input if original_ndim == 3: results = [] for box, cls in zip(bbox, classes): results.append(self(box, cls, shape)) return torch.stack(results, 0) valid_indices = classes[..., -1] >= 0 bbox, classes = bbox[valid_indices], classes[valid_indices] # unsqueeze a batch dim if not present bbox = bbox.view(bbox.shape[-2], 4) classes = classes.view(classes.shape[-2], 1) # determine input/output height/width height, width = shape[-2:] num_rois = bbox.shape[-2] out_height = height // self.downsample out_width = width // self.downsample # regression targets for true box size x1, y1 = bbox[..., 0], bbox[..., 1] x2, y2 = bbox[..., 2], bbox[..., 3] size_target_x = (x2 - x1).abs_() size_target_y = (y2 - y1).abs_() # if user gives zero-area bounding box there will be nan results bad_indices = (size_target_x == 0) | (size_target_y == 0) if bad_indices.any(): raise RuntimeError(f"Found zero area bounding boxes:\n{bbox[bad_indices]}") # center x/y coords center_x = (x2 + x1).div_(2) center_y = (y2 + y1).div_(2) # all other steps are performed in the downsampled space p/R # for t in (x1, y1, x2, y2): # t.floor_divide_(self.downsample) x1 = x1.floor_divide(self.downsample) y1 = y1.floor_divide(self.downsample) x2 = x2.floor_divide(self.downsample) y2 = y2.floor_divide(self.downsample) # local offsets of centers in downsampled space # this is used to recover discretization error of centers from downsample offset_target_x = center_x - (x2 + x1).floor_divide_(2).mul_(self.downsample) offset_target_y = center_y - (y2 + y1).floor_divide_(2).mul_(self.downsample) # center x/y coords in downsampled space center_x = center_x.floor_divide(self.downsample) center_y = center_y.floor_divide(self.downsample) # assign to reg targets tensor reg_targets = torch.empty(4, out_height, out_width).type_as(bbox).fill_(-1).float() y_ind = center_y.long() x_ind = center_x.long() reg_targets[0, y_ind, x_ind] = offset_target_x reg_targets[1, y_ind, x_ind] = offset_target_y reg_targets[2, y_ind, x_ind] = size_target_x reg_targets[3, y_ind, x_ind] = size_target_y # the next step is to splat downsampled true centers onto a heatmap using a gaussian dist. # the gaussian sigma is determined as follows: # 1. find all possible box corner positions such that a minimum IoU # is maintained w.r.t original box # 2. determine the radius from the original corner that encloses all such new positions # 3. calculate sigma as this radius divided by some scalar # # we want to find a larger rectangle w/ IoU >= threshold w.r.t original box # corners of this rectangle (preserving aspect ratio) are x1, y1, (x2+r), y2 # so we compute area of larger rectangle and solve for r # threshold = A / A' # threshold = [(x2 + r - x1)(y2 - y1)] / [(x2 - x1)(y2 - y1)] # threshold = (x2 + r - x1) / (x2 - x1) # so... # r = threshold * (x2 - x1) + x1 - x2 # sigma = r / c # => sigma = [threshold * (x2 - x1) + x1 - x2] / c sigma = (x2 - x1).mul_(self.iou_threshold).add_(x1).sub_(x2).div_(self.radius_div).abs_().clamp_(min=1e-6) heatmap = self._gaussian_splat(num_rois, center_x, center_y, sigma, out_height, out_width) # combine heatmaps of same classes within a batch using element-wise maximum # TODO this isn't clean, can it be done without looping? cls_targets = torch.zeros(self.num_classes, out_height, out_width).type_as(bbox).float() for i in range(self.num_classes): if (classes == i).any(): class_heatmap = heatmap[classes.view(num_rois) == i, ...].view(-1, out_height, out_width) cls_targets[i, ...] = class_heatmap.max(dim=0).values output =[cls_targets, reg_targets], 0) return output def _gaussian_splat(self, num_rois, center_x, center_y, sigma, out_height, out_width) -> Tensor: mesh_y, mesh_x = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(out_height), torch.arange(out_width)) mesh_x = mesh_x.expand(num_rois, -1, -1).type_as(center_x) mesh_y = mesh_y.expand(num_rois, -1, -1).type_as(center_y) # gaussian splat following formula # Y = exp(-[(y - y_cent)**2 + (x - x_cent)**2] / [2 sigma ** 2]) square_diff_x = (mesh_x - center_x.view(num_rois, 1, 1)).pow_(2) square_diff_y = (mesh_y - center_y.view(num_rois, 1, 1)).pow_(2) divisor = sigma.pow(2).mul_(2).view(num_rois, 1, 1).expand_as(square_diff_x) assert (divisor != 0).all(), "about to divide by zero, probably a zero area bbox" maps = (square_diff_x + square_diff_y).div_(divisor).neg_().exp() return maps
[docs]class PointsToAnchors: r"""Transform that converts CenterNet style labels to anchor boxes and class labels (i.e. reverses the transform performed by `AnchorsToPoints`) as described in the paper `Objects as Points`_. Anchor boxes are identified in the input as points that are greater than their 8 neighbors. The maximum number of boxes returned is parameterized, and selection is performed based on classification score. A threshold is can also be set such that scores below this threshold will not contribute to the output. Args: upsample (int): An integer factor by which the points will be upsampled to produce box coordinates. max_roi (int): The maximum number of boxes to include in the final output. Only the top `max_roi` scoring points will be converted into anchor boxes. threshold (float, optional): If given, discard boxes with classification scores less than or equal to `threshold`. Default 0.0 Shape: - Points: :math:`(*, C + 4, H, W)` where :math:`C` is the number of classes, and :math:`H, W` are the height and width of the heatmap. - Output: :math:`(*, N, 6)` where :math:`*` means an optional batch dimension and :math:`N` is the number of output anchor boxes. Indices `0-3` of the output give the box coordinates :math:`(x1, y1, x2, y2)`, index `4` gives classification score, and index `5` gives the class label. .. _Objects as Points: """ def __init__( self, upsample: int, max_roi: int, threshold: float = 0.0, ): self.max_roi = int(max_roi) self.upsample = int(upsample) self.threshold = float(threshold) def __repr__(self): s = f"PointsToAnchors(upsample={self.upsample}" s += f", max_roi={self.max_roi}" if self.threshold > 0: s += f", threshold={self.threshold}" s += ")" return s def __call__(self, points: Tensor) -> Tensor: # batched recursion if points.ndim > 3: return self._batched_recurse(points) classes, regressions = points[:-4, :, :], points[-4:, :, :] height, width = classes.shape[-2:] classes.shape[-3] # identify maxima as points greater than their 8 neighbors classes = non_maxima_suppression2d(classes.unsqueeze(0), kernel_size=(3,) * 2).squeeze(0) # extract class / center x / center y indices of top k scores over heatmap topk = min(self.max_roi, classes.numel()) nms_scores, nms_idx = classes.view(-1).topk(topk, dim=-1) nms_idx = nms_idx[nms_scores > self.threshold] nms_scores = nms_scores[nms_scores > self.threshold] # % / width center_x = (nms_idx % (height * width) % width).unsqueeze(-1) center_y = (nms_idx % (height * width) // width).unsqueeze(-1) cls = (nms_idx // (height * width)).unsqueeze(-1) offset_x = regressions[0, center_y, center_x] offset_y = regressions[1, center_y, center_x] size_x = regressions[2, center_y, center_x] size_y = regressions[3, center_y, center_x] # get upsampled centers by scaling up and applying offset center_x = center_x.float().mul_(self.upsample).add_(offset_x) center_y = center_y.float().mul_(self.upsample).add_(offset_y) # get box coordinates by applying height/width deltas about upsampled centers x1 = center_x - size_x.div(2) x2 = center_x + size_x.div(2) y1 = center_y - size_y.div(2) y2 = center_y + size_y.div(2) assert (x1 <= x2).all() assert (y1 <= y2).all() output =[x1, y1, x2, y2, nms_scores.unsqueeze(-1), cls.float()], dim=-1) output = output[nms_scores > self.threshold] return output def _batched_recurse(self, points: Tensor) -> Tensor: assert points.ndim > 3 batch_size = points.shape[0] # recurse on examples in batch results = [] for elem in points: results.append(self(elem)) # determine maximum number of boxes in example for padding max_roi = max([t.shape[0] for t in results]) # combine examples into output batch output = torch.empty(batch_size, max_roi, 6).fill_(-1).type_as(points) for i, result in enumerate(results): num_roi = result.shape[0] output[i, :num_roi, ...] = result return output

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