
Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from itertools import islice
from typing import Generator, Iterable, Tuple

import torch
from torch import Tensor

[docs]class Window(ABC): r"""Helper to apply a window over an iterable or set of indices. Args: before (int, optional): The number of prior elements to include in the window. after (int, optional): The number of proceeding elements to include in the window. """ def __init__(self, before: int = 0, after: int = 0): if int(before) < 0: raise ValueError("before must be int >= 0") if int(after) < 0: raise ValueError("before must be int >= 0") self.before = int(before) self.after = int(after) if not (self.before or self.after): raise ValueError("before or after must not be 0") def __len__(self): """Returns the number of frames in the window.""" return self.before + self.after + 1 def __call__(self, examples: Iterable) -> Generator[Tuple[Tensor, Tensor], None, None]: r"""Generates frames, labels tuples by applying the window to ``examples``. For an input/labels of shape :math:`CxHxW`, and a window of length :math:`D`, the output will be of frame, label tuples of shape (:math:`CxDxHxW`, :math:`CxHxW`). Args: examples (Iterable): An iterable of (frame, label) tuples to be windowed Returns: A generator that yields torch.Tensor tuples with the window function applied. """ # method to efficiently yield window tuples from iterable def raw_window(): it = iter(examples) slices = tuple(islice(it, len(self))) if len(slices) == len(self): yield slices for elem in it: slices = slices[1:] + (elem,) yield slices # parse windowed examples into higher rank tensors depth_dim = 0 midpoint = self.before for window in raw_window(): indices = self.indices(midpoint) window = tuple([window[x - indices[0]] for x in indices]) frames, labels = list(zip(*window)) frames = [torch.as_tensor(f) for f in frames] labels = [torch.as_tensor(l) for l in labels] frames = torch.stack(frames, depth_dim).refine_names("D", "H", "W") label = labels[midpoint].refine_names("H", "W") yield frames.align_to("C", "D", "H", "W"), label.align_to("C", "H", "W") def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ return f"{name}(before={self.before}, after={self.after})"
[docs] @abstractmethod def indices(self, pos: int) -> Tuple[int, ...]: r"""Given an index ``pos``, return a tuple of indices that are part of the window centered at ``pos``. Args: pos (int): The index of the window center Returns: A tuple of ints giving the indices of a window centered at ``pos``. """ low = pos - self.before high = pos + self.after return tuple(set(range(low, high)))
[docs] def estimate_size(self, num_frames: int) -> int: r"""Given a number of examples in the un-windowed input, estimate the number of examples in the windowed result. Args: num_frames (int): The number of frames in the un-windowed dataset. Returns: Estimated number of frames in the windowed output. """ return num_frames - (self.before + self.after)
[docs]class DenseWindow(Window): r"""Helper to apply a dense window over an iterable or set of indices. A dense window includes all indices from ``center-before`` to ``center+after``. For a window that includes only frames (``center-before``, ``center``, ``center+after``), see SparseWindow. Args: before (int, optional): The number of prior elements to include in the window. after (int, optional): The number of proceeding elements to include in the window. """
[docs] def indices(self, pos: int) -> Tuple[int, ...]: r"""Given an index ``pos``, return a tuple of indices that are part of the window centered at ``pos``. Args: pos (int): The index of the window center Returns: A tuple of ints giving the indices of a window centered at ``pos``. """ low = pos - self.before high = pos + self.after return tuple(set(range(low, high + 1)))
[docs]class SparseWindow(Window): r"""Helper to apply a sparse window over an iterable or set of indices. A sparse window only includes frames (``center-before``, ``center``, ``center+after``). For a window that includes all indices from ``center-before`` to ``center+after``, see :class:`DenseWindow` Args: before (int, optional): The number of prior elements to include in the window. after (int, optional): The number of proceeding elements to include in the window. """
[docs] def indices(self, pos: int) -> Tuple[int, ...]: r"""Given an index ``pos``, return a tuple of indices that are part of the window centered at ``pos``. Args: pos (int): The index of the window center Returns: A tuple of ints giving the indices of a window centered at ``pos``. """ low = pos - self.before high = pos + self.after return sorted(tuple(set([low, pos, high])))
__all__ = ["Window", "DenseWindow", "SparseWindow"]

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