
Source code for combustion.testing.lightning

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pytest
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
from pytorch_lightning.overrides.data_parallel import LightningDistributedDataParallel
from pytorch_lightning.trainer.optimizers import TrainerOptimizersMixin
from torch import Tensor
from import DataLoader

from .decorators import cuda_or_skip

# dummy class to hold mixin methods
class _ProcessOptimizers(TrainerOptimizersMixin):

def check_overriden(model, method):
        if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel):
            model = model.module
        model_method = getattr(model.__class__, method)
        lightning_method = getattr(pl.LightningModule, method)
        if model_method == lightning_method:
            pytest.skip(f"Method {method} not overriden in {model.__class__.__name__}")

    except AttributeError:
        raise pytest.UsageError(f"Error checking for override of method {method}")

def check_dataloader(dl):
    assert isinstance(dl, DataLoader)
    batch = next(iter(dl))
    for example in batch:
        is_tensor = isinstance(example, Tensor)
        is_tensor_tuple = isinstance(example, tuple) and all([isinstance(x, Tensor) for x in example])
        assert is_tensor or is_tensor_tuple

def assert_valid_loss(x):
    assert isinstance(x, Tensor)
    assert x.ndim == 0
    assert x.requires_grad

[docs]class LightningModuleTest: r"""Base class to automate testing of LightningModules with Pytest. The following fixtures should be implemented in the subclass: * :func:`model` * :func:`data` Simple tests are provided for the following lifecycle hooks: * :func:`configure_optimizers` * :func:`prepare_data` (optional) * :func:`train_dataloader` * :func:`val_dataloader` (optional) * :func:`test_dataloader` (optional) * :func:`training_step` - single process and with :class:`torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel` * :func:`validation_step` (optional) * :func:`test_step` (optional) * :func:`validation_epoch_end` (optional) * :func:`test_epoch_end` (optional) If the model under test does not implement an optional method, the test will be skipped. The following mock attributes will be attached to your model as ``PropertyMock`` * :attr:`logger` * :attr:`trainer` Example Usage:: >>> # minimal example >>> class TestModel(LightningModuleTest): >>> @pytest.fixture >>> def model(): >>> return ... # return your model here >>> >>> @pytest.fixture >>> def data(): >>> return torch.rand(2, 1, 10, 10) # will be passed to model.forward() """ DISTRIBUTED: bool = True def init_process_group(self): if not torch.distributed.is_initialized(): torch.cuda.set_device(0) torch.distributed.init_process_group( backend="nccl", world_size=1, rank=0, init_method="tcp://" ) def _distributed_model(self, model: pl.LightningModule) -> LightningDistributedDataParallel: model = LightningDistributedDataParallel(model, device_ids=[0], find_unused_parameters=True) return model @pytest.fixture def model(self): raise pytest.UsageError("Must implement model fixture for LightningModuleTest") @pytest.fixture def data(self): raise pytest.UsageError("Must implement data fixture for LightningModuleTest") @pytest.fixture def distributed_model(self, model): self.init_process_group() model = model.cuda() return self._distributed_model(model) @pytest.fixture def prepare_data(self, model): if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel): model = model.module try: model.prepare_data() except NotImplementedError: pass @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def logger(self, model, mocker): m = mocker.PropertyMock() type(model).logger = m return m @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def trainer(self, model, mocker): m = mocker.PropertyMock(spec_set=pl.Trainer) type(model).trainer = m return m
[docs] def test_configure_optimizers(self, model: pl.LightningModule): r"""Tests that ``model.configure_optimizers()`` runs and returns the required outputs. """ if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel): model = model.module optim = model.configure_optimizers() is_optimizer = isinstance(optim, torch.optim.Optimizer) is_optim_schedule_tuple = ( isinstance(optim, tuple) and len(optim) == 2 and isinstance(optim[0], list) and all([isinstance(x, torch.optim.Optimizer) for x in optim[0]]) and isinstance(optim[1], list) and all([isinstance(x, torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler) for x in optim[0]]) ) assert is_optimizer or is_optim_schedule_tuple return optim
[docs] def test_prepare_data(self, model: pl.LightningModule): r"""Calls ``model.prepare_data()`` to see if any fatal errors are thrown. No tests are performed to assess change of state """ if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel): model = model.module model.prepare_data()
[docs] @pytest.mark.usefixtures("prepare_data") def test_train_dataloader(self, model: pl.LightningModule): r"""Tests that ``model.train_dataloader()`` runs and returns the required output.""" if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel): model = model.module dl = model.train_dataloader() check_dataloader(dl) return dl
[docs] @pytest.mark.usefixtures("prepare_data") def test_val_dataloader(self, model: pl.LightningModule): r"""Tests that ``model.val_dataloader()`` runs and returns the required output.""" if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel): model = model.module check_overriden(model, "val_dataloader") dl = model.val_dataloader() check_dataloader(dl) return dl
[docs] @pytest.mark.usefixtures("prepare_data") def test_test_dataloader(self, model: pl.LightningModule): r"""Tests that ``model.test_dataloader()`` runs and returns the required output.""" if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel): model = model.module check_overriden(model, "test_dataloader") dl = model.test_dataloader() check_dataloader(dl) return dl
[docs] @cuda_or_skip @pytest.mark.usefixtures("prepare_data") @pytest.mark.parametrize("training", [True, False]) def test_forward(self, model: pl.LightningModule, data: torch.Tensor, training: bool): r"""Calls ``model.forward()`` and tests that the output is not ``None``. Because of the size of some models, this test is only run when a GPU is available. """ if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel): pytest.skip() if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = model.cuda() data = data.cuda() if training: model.train() else: model.eval() _ = model(data) assert _ is not None
[docs] @cuda_or_skip @pytest.mark.usefixtures("prepare_data") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "distributed", [pytest.param(True, id="distributed"), pytest.param(False, id="non-distributed"),] ) def test_training_step(self, model: pl.LightningModule, distributed: bool): r"""Runs a training step based on the data returned from ``model.train_dataloader()``. Tests that the dictionary returned from ``training_step()`` are as required by PyTorch Lightning. A backward pass and optimizer step are also performed using the optimizer provided by :func:`LightningModule.configure_optimizers`. By default, training steps are tested for distributed and non-distributed models using the :class:`torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel` wrapper. Distributed tests can be disabled by setting :attr:`LightningModuleTest.DISTRIBUTED` to ``False``. Because of the size of some models, this test is only run when a GPU is available. """ if distributed: if not self.DISTRIBUTED: pytest.skip("LightningModuleTest.DISTRIBUTED was False, skipping distributed training step") self.init_process_group() model = self._distributed_model(model.cuda()) if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel): dl = model.module.train_dataloader() else: dl = model.train_dataloader() batch = next(iter(dl)) if torch.cuda.is_available(): batch = [x.cuda() for x in batch] model = model.cuda() model.train() # TODO this can't handle multiple optimizers if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel): output = model(batch, 0) else: output = model.training_step(batch, 0) assert isinstance(output, dict) assert "loss" in output.keys(), "loss key is required" assert_valid_loss(output["loss"]) # test loss / backward pass, important for distributed operation if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel): output = model(batch, 0) optimizers, lr_scheduler, frequencies = _ProcessOptimizers().init_optimizers(model.module) else: optimizers, lr_scheduler, frequencies = _ProcessOptimizers().init_optimizers(model) optim = optimizers[0] loss = output["loss"] optim.zero_grad() loss.backward() optim.step() if "log" in output.keys(): assert isinstance(output["log"], dict) if "progress_bar" in output.keys(): assert isinstance(output["progress_bar"], dict) return batch, output
[docs] @cuda_or_skip @pytest.mark.usefixtures("prepare_data") def test_validation_step(self, model: pl.LightningModule): r"""Runs a validation step based on the data returned from ``model.val_dataloader()``. Tests that the dictionary returned from ``validation_step()`` are as required by PyTorch Lightning. Because of the size of some models, this test is only run when a GPU is available. """ if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel): pytest.skip() check_overriden(model, "val_dataloader") check_overriden(model, "validation_step") dl = model.val_dataloader() # TODO this can't handle multiple optimizers batch = next(iter(dl)) if torch.cuda.is_available(): batch = [x.cuda() for x in batch] model = model.cuda() model.eval() output = model.validation_step(batch, 0) assert isinstance(output, dict) if "loss" in output.keys(): assert isinstance(output["loss"], Tensor) assert output["loss"].shape == (1,) if "log" in output.keys(): assert isinstance(output["log"], dict) if "progress_bar" in output.keys(): assert isinstance(output["progress_bar"], dict) return batch, output
[docs] @cuda_or_skip @pytest.mark.usefixtures("prepare_data") def test_validation_epoch_end(self, model: pl.LightningModule): r"""Tests that ``validation_epoch_end()`` runs and outputs a dict as required by PyTorch Lightning. Because of the size of some models, this test is only run when a GPU is available. """ if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel): pytest.skip() check_overriden(model, "val_dataloader") check_overriden(model, "validation_step") check_overriden(model, "validation_epoch_end") dl = model.val_dataloader() if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = model.cuda() model.eval() outputs = [model.validation_step([x.cuda() for x in batch], 0) for batch in dl] else: model.eval() outputs = [model.validation_step(batch, 0) for batch in dl] result = model.validation_epoch_end(outputs) assert isinstance(result, dict) return outputs, result
[docs] @cuda_or_skip @pytest.mark.usefixtures("prepare_data") def test_test_step(self, model: pl.LightningModule): r"""Runs a testing step based on the data returned from ``model.test_dataloader()``. Tests that the dictionary returned from ``test_step()`` are as required by PyTorch Lightning. Because of the size of some models, this test is only run when a GPU is available. """ if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel): pytest.skip() check_overriden(model, "test_dataloader") check_overriden(model, "test_step") dl = model.test_dataloader() batch = next(iter(dl)) if torch.cuda.is_available(): batch = [x.cuda() for x in batch] model = model.cuda() # TODO this can't handle multiple optimizers model.eval() output = model.test_step(batch, 0) assert isinstance(output, dict) if "loss" in output.keys(): assert isinstance(output["loss"], Tensor) assert output["loss"].shape == (1,) if "log" in output.keys(): assert isinstance(output["log"], dict) if "progress_bar" in output.keys(): assert isinstance(output["progress_bar"], dict) return batch, output
[docs] @cuda_or_skip @pytest.mark.usefixtures("prepare_data") def test_test_epoch_end(self, model: pl.LightningModule): r"""Tests that ``test_epoch_end()`` runs and outputs a dict as required by PyTorch Lightning. Because of the size of some models, this test is only run when a GPU is available. """ if isinstance(model, LightningDistributedDataParallel): pytest.skip() check_overriden(model, "test_dataloader") check_overriden(model, "test_step") check_overriden(model, "test_epoch_end") dl = model.test_dataloader() if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = model.cuda() model.eval() outputs = [model.test_step([x.cuda() for x in batch], 0) for batch in dl] else: model.eval() outputs = [model.test_step(batch, 0) for batch in dl] result = model.test_epoch_end(outputs) assert isinstance(result, dict) return outputs, result

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