

Model implementations

Convolutional Models


class combustion.models.EfficientNet2d(block_configs, width_coeff=1.0, depth_coeff=1.0, width_divisor=8.0, min_width=None, stem=None, head=None, checkpoint=False)[source]

Implementation of EfficientNet as described in the EfficientNet paper. EfficientNet defines a family of models that are built using convolutional blocks that are parameterized such that width, depth, and spatial resolution can be easily scaled up or down. The authors of EfficientNet note that scaling each of these dimensions simultaneously is advantageous.

Let the depth, width, and resolution of the model be denoted by \(d, w, r\) respectively. EfficientNet defines a compound scaling factor \(\phi\) such that

\[d = \alpha^\phi \\ w = \beta^\phi \\ r = \gamma^\phi \]


\[\alpha * \beta^2 * \gamma^2 \approx 2 \]

The parameters \(\alpha,\beta,\gamma\) are experimentally determined and describe how finite computational resources should be distributed amongst depth, width, and resolution scaling. The parameter \(\phi\) is a user controllable compound scaling coefficient such that for a new \(\phi\), FLOPS will increase by approximately \(2^\phi\).

The authors of EfficientNet selected the following scaling parameters:

\[\alpha = 1.2 \\ \beta = 1.1 \\ \gamma = 1.15 \]


Currently, DropConnect ratios are not scaled based on depth of the given block. This is a deviation from the true EfficientNet implementation.

  • block_configs (list of combustion.nn.MobileNetBlockConfig) – Configs for each of the combustion.nn.MobileNetConvBlock2d blocks used in the model.

  • width_coeff (float) – The width scaling coefficient. Increasing this increases the width of the model.

  • depth_coeff (float) – The depth scaling coefficient. Increasing this increases the depth of the model.

  • width_divisor (float) – Used in calculating number of filters under width scaling. Filters at each block will be a multiple of width_divisor.

  • min_width (int) – The minimum width of the model at any block

  • stem (torch.nn.Module) – An optional stem to use for the model. The default stem is a single 3x3/2 conolution that expects 3 input channels.

  • head (torch.nn.Module) – An optional head to use for the model. By default, no head will be used and forward will return a list of tensors containing extracted features.

  • checkpoint (bool) – If true, use checkpointing on each block in the backbone. Checkpointing saves memory at the cost of added compute. See torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint() for more details.

  • Input: \((N, C, H, W)\)

  • Output: List of tensors of shape \((N, C, H', W')\), where height and width vary depending on the amount of downsampling for that feature map.

Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

extract_features(inputs, return_all=False)

Runs the EfficientNet stem and body to extract features, returning a list of tensors representing features extracted from each block.

  • inputs (torch.Tensor) – Model inputs

  • return_all (bool) – By default, only features extracted from blocks with non-unit stride will be returned. If return_all=True, return features extracted from every block group in the model.

Return type


forward(inputs, use_all_features=False)

Runs the entire EfficientNet model, including stem, body, and head. If no head was supplied, the output of extract_features() will be returned. Otherwise, the output of the given head will be returned.


The returned output will always be a list of tensors. If a custom head is given and it returns a single tensor, that tensor will be wrapped in a list before being returned.

  • inputs (torch.Tensor) – Model inputs

  • return_all (bool) – By default, only features extracted from blocks with non-unit stride will be returned. If return_all=True, return features extracted from every block group in the model.

  • use_all_features (bool) –

Return type


classmethod from_predefined(compound_coeff, **kwargs)

Creates an EfficientNet model using one of the parameterizations defined in the EfficientNet paper.

  • compound_coeff (int) – Compound scaling parameter \(\phi\). For example, to construct EfficientNet-B0, set compound_coeff=0.

  • **kwargs – Additional parameters/overrides for model constructor.

Return type


class combustion.models.EfficientNet1d

1d variant of combustion.models.EfficientNet2d

class combustion.models.EfficientNet3d

3d variant of combustion.models.EfficientNet2d


class combustion.models.EfficientDet2d(block_configs, fpn_levels=[3, 5, 7, 8, 9], fpn_filters=64, fpn_repeats=3, width_coeff=1.0, depth_coeff=1.0, width_divisor=8.0, min_width=None, stem=None, head=None, fpn_kwargs={})[source]

Implementation of EfficientDet as described in the EfficientDet paper. EfficientDet is built on an EfficientNet backbone (see combustion.models.EfficientNet2d for details). EfficientDet adds a bidirectional feature pyramid network (see combustion.nn.BiFPN2d), which mixes information across the various feature maps produced by the EfficientNet backbone.

Diagram of EfficientDet

The authors of EfficientDet used the default EfficientNet scaling parameters for the backbone:

\[\alpha = 1.2 \\ \beta = 1.1 \\ \gamma = 1.15 \]

The BiFPN was scaled as follows:

\[W_\text{bifpn} = 64 \cdot \big(1.35^\phi\big) \\ D_\text{bifpn} = 3 + \phi \]

In the original EfficientDet implementation, the authors extract feature maps from levels 3, 5, and 7 of the backbone. Two additional coarse levels are created by performing additional strided convolutions to the final level in the backbone, for a total of 5 levels in the BiFPN.


Currently, DropConnect ratios are not scaled based on depth of the given block. This is a deviation from the true EfficientNet implementation.

  • block_configs (list of combustion.nn.MobileNetBlockConfig) – Configs for each of the combustion.nn.MobileNetConvBlock2d blocks used in the model.

  • fpn_levels (list of ints) – Indicies of EfficientNet feature levels to include in the BiFPN, starting at index 1. Values in fpn_levels greater than the total number of blocks in the backbone denote levels that should be created by applying additional strided convolutions to the final level in the backbone.

  • fpn_filters (int) – Number of filters to use for the BiFPN. The filter count given here should be the desired number of filters after width scaling.

  • fpn_repeats (int) – Number of repeats to use for the BiFPN. The repeat count given here should be the desired number of repeats after depth scaling.

  • width_coeff (float) – The width scaling coefficient. Increasing this increases the width of the model.

  • depth_coeff (float) – The depth scaling coefficient. Increasing this increases the depth of the model.

  • width_divisor (float) – Used in calculating number of filters under width scaling. Filters at each block will be a multiple of width_divisor.

  • min_width (int) – The minimum width of the model at any block

  • stem (torch.nn.Module) – An optional stem to use for the model. The default stem is a single 3x3/2 conolution that expects 3 input channels.

  • head (torch.nn.Module) – An optional head to use for the model. By default, no head will be used and forward will return a list of tensors containing extracted features.

  • fpn_kwargs (dict) – Keyword args to be passed to all combustion.nn.BiFPN2d layers.

  • Input: \((N, C, H, W)\)

  • Output: List of tensors of shape \((N, C, H', W')\), where height and width vary depending on the amount of downsampling for that feature map.

Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.


Runs the EfficientDet stem and body to extract features, returning a list of tensors representing features extracted from each block.


inputs (torch.Tensor) – Model inputs

Return type



Runs the entire EfficientDet model, including stem, body, and head. If no head was supplied, the output of extract_features() will be returned. Otherwise, the output of the given head will be returned.


The returned output will always be a list of tensors. If a custom head is given and it returns a single tensor, that tensor will be wrapped in a list before being returned.


inputs (torch.Tensor) – Model inputs

Return type


classmethod from_predefined(compound_coeff, **kwargs)

Creates an EfficientDet model using one of the parameterizations defined in the EfficientDet paper.

  • compound_coeff (int) – Compound scaling parameter \(\phi\). For example, to construct EfficientDet-D0, set compound_coeff=0.

  • **kwargs – Additional parameters/overrides for model constructor.

Return type


class combustion.models.EfficientDet3d

3d variant of combustion.models.EfficientDet2d

class combustion.models.EfficientDet1d

1d variant of combustion.models.EfficientDet2d


class combustion.models.MobileUnet2d(down_configs, up_configs=None, stem=None, head=None)[source]

Modified implementation of U-Net as described in the U-Net paper. This implementation uses MobileNetV3 inverted bottleneck blocks (from Searching for MobileNetV3) as the fundamental building block of each convolutional layer. Automatic padding/cropping is used to ensure operation with an input of arbitrary spatial shape.

A general U-Net architecture is as follows:

Diagram of BiFPN layer
  • Input: \((N, C, H, W)\)

  • Output: List of tensors of shape \((N, C, H', W')\), where height and width vary depending on the amount of downsampling for that feature map.

Initializes internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.

class combustion.models.MobileUnet3d

3d variant of combustion.models.MobileUnet2d

class combustion.models.MobileUnet1d

1d variant of combustion.models.MobileUnet2d

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