
Source code for combustion.nn.loss.centernet

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Optional, Tuple

import torch.nn as nn
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import L1Loss, SmoothL1Loss

from .focal import FocalLossWithLogits

[docs]class CenterNetLoss(nn.Module): r"""The loss function used for CenterNet and similar networks, as described in the paper `Objects as Points`_. Args: gamma (float): The focusing parameter :math:`\gamma`. Must be non-negative. Note that this parameter is referred to as :math:`\alpha` in `Objects as Points`_ and :math:`\gamma` in the focal loss literature. pos_weight (float, optional): The positive weight coefficient :math:`\alpha` to use on the positive examples. Must be non-negative. Note that this parameter is referred to as :math:`\beta` in `Objects as Points`_ and :math:`\alpha` in the focal loss literature. label_smoothing (float, optional): Float in [0, 1]. When 0, no smoothing occurs. When positive, the binary ground truth labels are clamped to :math:`[p, 1-p]`. reduction (str, optional): Specifies the reduction to apply to the output: ``'none'`` | ``'mean'`` | ``'sum'``. ``'none'``: no reduction will be applied, ``'mean'``: the sum of the output will be divided by the number of elements in the output, ``'sum'``: the output will be summed. Default: ``'mean'`` smooth (bool, optional): If true, use a smooth L1 loss to compute regression losses. Default ``True``. Returns: Tuple of tensors giving the classification and regression losses respectively. If ``reduction='none'`` the output tensors will be the same shape as inputs, otherwise scalar tensors will be returned. Shape - Inputs: :math:`(*, N+4, H, W)` where :math:`*` means an optional batch dimension and :math:`N` is the number of classes. Indices :math:`N+1, N+2` should give the :math:`x, y` regression offsets, while indices :math:`N+3, N+4` should give the height and width regressions. - Targets: Same shape as input. .. _Objects as Points: """ def __init__( self, gamma: float = 2.0, pos_weight: float = 4.0, label_smoothing: Optional[float] = None, reduction: str = "mean", smooth: bool = True, ): super(CenterNetLoss, self).__init__() self.reduction = reduction self.cls_criterion = FocalLossWithLogits(gamma, label_smoothing=label_smoothing, reduction="none") self.loc_criterion = SmoothL1Loss(reduction="none") if smooth else L1Loss(reduction="none") self.pos_weight = pos_weight def forward(self, inputs: Tensor, targets: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: assert inputs.shape == targets.shape # split input/target classes / regressions pred_regression = inputs[..., -4:, :, :] pred_class = inputs[..., :-4, :, :] tar_regression = targets[..., -4:, :, :] tar_class = targets[..., :-4, :, :] # compute classification/regression loss cls_loss = self.cls_criterion(pred_class, tar_class.floor_divide(1.0)) reg_loss = self.loc_criterion(pred_regression, tar_regression) # apply positive example weight to focal loss positive_indices = tar_class == 1.0 weight = (1.0 - tar_class[~positive_indices]).pow_(self.pos_weight) positive_examples = cls_loss[~positive_indices] positive_examples.mul_(weight) # zero out regression loss for locations that were not box centers box_indices = positive_indices.max(dim=-3, keepdim=True).values.expand_as(reg_loss) reg_loss[~box_indices] = 0 if self.reduction == "mean": num_boxes = box_indices.sum().floor_divide_(4).clamp_(min=1) cls_loss = cls_loss.sum().div_(num_boxes) reg_loss = reg_loss.sum().div_(num_boxes) elif self.reduction == "sum": cls_loss = cls_loss.sum() reg_loss = reg_loss.sum() return cls_loss, reg_loss

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