
Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations

import glob
import itertools
import os
import warnings
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
from import ChargingBar
from progress.spinner import Spinner
from torch import Tensor
from import Dataset

    import h5py
except ImportError:
    h5py = None

[docs]def save_hdf5( dataset: Dataset, path: str, num_shards: Optional[int] = None, shard_size: Optional[int] = None, verbose: bool = True, ) -> None: r"""Saves the contents of the dataset to one or more HDF5 files. Serialization is performed as follows: 1. Dataset partitions are determined if required by ``num_shards`` or ``shard_size``. By default, only a single file containing the entire dataset will be produced. 2. Examples are read by iterating over the dataset and are written to disk. For multiple shards, a shard index is added to the filename given in ``path``. 3. Attributes accessible by ``vars(self)`` are attached as HDF5 attributes, allowing for loading of instance variables. Tensors are not saved in this way, as all attributes should be small. .. note:: Serialization requires the h5py library. See for more details. .. note:: When saving multiple shards, the file created at ``path`` will be created from a :class:`h5py.VirtualSource`. See `Virtual Dataset <>`_ for more details. Args: dataset (Datset): The dataset to save. path (str): The filepath to save to. Ex ``foo/bar.h5``. num_shards (int, optional): If given, `num_shards` files will be created, each containing ``1 / num_shards`` of the dataset. Exclusive with ``shard_size``. Must be a positive int. shard_size (int, optional): If given, multiple files will be created such that each file contains ``shard_size`` examples. Exclusive with ``num_shards``. Must be a positive int. verbose (bool, optional): If False, do not print progress updates during saving. """ _check_h5py() if num_shards is not None and shard_size is not None: raise ValueError("num_shards is incompatible with shard_size, please use one or the other") if num_shards is not None and num_shards <= 0: raise ValueError(f"num_shards must be >= 1, got {num_shards}") if shard_size is not None and shard_size <= 0: raise ValueError(f"shard_size must be >= 1, got {shard_size}") if shard_size is None and not hasattr(dataset, "__len__"): raise ValueError("shard_size is required for datasets with no len() method") # calculate num shards / shard size if num_shards is None and shard_size is None: num_shards = 1 shard_size = len(dataset) elif num_shards is not None: num_shards = int(num_shards) shard_size = len(dataset) // num_shards elif shard_size is not None: shard_size = int(shard_size) num_shards = len(dataset) // shard_size # write shards files = set() if num_shards == 1: f = _write_shard(path, iter(dataset), shard_size, verbose=verbose) files.add(f) else: if verbose: bar = ChargingBar(f"Writing to {path}", max=num_shards) else: bar = None # slice dataset iterator for multi-sharding slices = [(x * shard_size, (x + 1) * shard_size) for x in range(num_shards)] for shard_index, (low, high) in enumerate(slices, start=1): data = itertools.islice(iter(dataset), low, high) f = _write_shard(path, data, shard_size, shard_index, verbose=False) files.add(f) if bar is not None: if bar is not None: bar.finish() _finalize_master(dataset, path, files) return path
[docs]def save_torch(dataset: Dataset, path: str, prefix: str = "example_", verbose: bool = True) -> None: r"""Saves the contents of the dataset to multiple files using :func:``. .. note:: This is less elegant than HDF5 serialization, but is a thread safe alternative. Args: dataset (Dataset): The dataset to save. path (str): The filepath to save to. Ex ``foo/bar``. prefix (str, optional): A prefix to append to each ``.pth`` file. Output files will be of the form ``{path}/{prefix}{index}.pth`` verbose (bool, optional): If False, do not print progress updates during saving. """ if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if verbose: if hasattr(dataset, "__len__"): bar = ChargingBar(f"Writing to {path}", max=len(dataset)) else: bar = Spinner(f"Writing to {path}") else: bar = None for i, example in enumerate(dataset): target = os.path.join(path, f"{prefix}{i}.pth"), target) if bar is not None: if bar is not None: bar.finish()
[docs]class SerializeMixin: r"""Mixin to enable serialization a map or iterable style dataset to disk in HDF5 or Torch file format. """
[docs] def save( self, path: str, fmt: str = "hdf5", num_shards: Optional[int] = None, shard_size: Optional[int] = None, prefix: str = "example_", verbose: bool = True, ) -> None: r"""Saves the contents of the dataset to disk. See :func:`save_hdf5` and :func:`save_torch` respectively for more information on how saving functions for HDF5 or Torch files. .. note:: Serialization requires the h5py library. See for more details. Args: path (str): The filepath to save to. Ex `foo/bar.h5` fmt (str, optional): The format to save in. Should be one of ``hdf5``, ``torch``. num_shards (int, optional): If given, `num_shards` files will be created, each containing ``1 / num_shards`` of the dataset. Exclusive with ``shard_size``. Must be a positive int. Only has an effect when ``fmt`` is ``"hdf5"``. shard_size (int, optional): If given, multiple files will be created such that each file contains ``shard_size`` examples. Exclusive with ``num_shards``. Must be a positive int. Only has an effect when ``fmt`` is ``"hdf5"``. prefix (str, optional): Passted to :func:`save_torch` if ``fmt`` is ``"hdf5"`` verbose (bool, optional): If False, do not print progress updates during saving. """ if fmt == "hdf5": return save_hdf5(self, path=path, num_shards=num_shards, shard_size=shard_size, verbose=verbose) elif fmt == "torch": return save_torch(self, path=path, prefix=prefix, verbose=verbose) else: raise ValueError(f"Expected fmt to be one of 'hdf5', 'torch': found {fmt}")
[docs] @staticmethod def load( path: str, fmt: Optional[str] = None, transform: Optional[Callable[[Tensor], Any]] = None, target_transform: Optional[Callable[[Tensor], Any]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> HDF5Dataset: r""" Loads the contents of a dataset previously saved with `save()`, returning a :class:`HDF5Dataset`. .. warning:: Using HDF5 in a parallel / multithreaded manner poses additional challenges that have not yet been overcome. As such, using a :class:`HDF5Dataset` with :class:`` when ``num_workers > 1`` will yield incorrect data. For in situations where multiple threads will be used, prefer saving with ``fmt="torch"``. See `Parallel HDF5 <>`_ for more details. .. note:: Loading HDF5 files requires the h5py library. See for more details. .. note:: Dataset attributes are preserved when loading a HDF5 file, but not a Torch file. Args: path (str): The filepath to load from. See `HDF5Dataset.load()` for more details fmt (str, optional): The expected type of data to load. By default the data type is inferred from the file extensions found in ``path``. HDF5 files are matched by the ``.h5`` extension, and Torch files are matched by the ``.pth`` extension. If a mix of ``hdf5`` and ``pth`` files are present in ``path``, ``fmt`` can be used to ensure only the desired file types are loaded. transform (callable, optional): A tranform to be applied to the data tensor See `HDF5Dataset` for more details target_transform (callable, optional): A tranform to be applied to the label tensor See `HDF5Dataset` for more details **kwargs: Forwarded to the constructors for :class:`HDF5Dataset` or :class:`TorchDataset`, depending on what dataset is constructed. """ pth_pattern = os.path.join(path, "*.pth") # respect user choice of fmt if fmt == "hdf5": return HDF5Dataset(path, transform, target_transform, **kwargs) elif fmt == "torch": return TorchDataset(path, transform, target_transform, **kwargs) # try hdf5 first if present, then try torch elif ".h5" in str(path) or "hdf5" in str(path): return HDF5Dataset(path, transform, target_transform, **kwargs) elif list(glob.glob(pth_pattern)): return TorchDataset(path, transform, target_transform, **kwargs) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find a target to load in path {path}")
[docs]class HDF5Dataset(Dataset, SerializeMixin): r"""Dataset used to read from HDF5 files. See :class:`SerializeMixin` for more details .. note:: Requires the h5py library. See for more details. .. note:: This class is intended for use with HDF5 files produced by Combustion's save methods. It may work with other HDF5 files, but this has not been verified yet. Args: path (str): The filepath to load from. When loading a sharded dataset, `path` should point to the virtual dataset master file. Ex ``"foo/bar.h5"`` transform (optional, callable): Transform to be applied to data tensors. target_transform (optional, callable): Transform to be applied to label tensors. If given, the loaded dataset must produce """ def __init__( self, path: str, transform: Optional[Callable[[Tensor], Any]] = None, target_transform: Optional[Callable[[Tensor], Any]] = None, ): _check_h5py() # ensure private vars to avoid conflicts when loading keys from dataset self._hdf5_file = h5py.File(path, "r") self._keys = self._hdf5_file.keys() self._transform = transform self._target_transform = target_transform # set attributes that were attached to serialized dataset for key, value in self._hdf5_file.attrs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def __repr__(self): rep = f"HDF5Dataset({self._hdf5_file}, keys={list(self._keys)}, len={len(self)}" if self._transform is not None: rep += f", transform={self._transform}" if self._target_transform is not None: rep += f", transform={self._target_transform}" rep += ")" return rep def __getitem__(self, pos: int) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...]]: tensors = [torch.from_numpy(self._hdf5_file[k][pos]) for k in self._keys] return self.__postprocess(tensors) def __len__(self): lengths = [len(self._hdf5_file[k]) for k in self._keys] assert len(set(lengths)) == 1, "all lengths equal" return lengths[0] def __postprocess(self, tensors: List[Tensor]) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...]]: if len(tensors) < 0: raise RuntimeError("Loaded dataset returned no tensors") # require two or more tensors when target transform given if self._target_transform is not None and len(tensors) < 2: raise RuntimeError( "Expected loaded dataset to return 2 tensors" f"when target_transform is given, found {len(tensors)}" ) # warn if more than 2 tensors - result will be # (transform(t1), target_transform(t2), t3, ...) if (self._transform is not None or self._target_transform is not None) and len(tensors) > 2: warnings.warn( f"Loaded dataset returned {len(tensors)} tensors when transform/target_transform " "given. Only tensors 1 and 2 will have a transform applied." ) if self._transform is not None: tensors[0] = self._transform(tensors[0]) if self._target_transform is not None: tensors[1] = self._target_transform(tensors[1]) return tuple(tensors) if len(tensors) > 1 else tensors[0]
[docs]class TorchDataset(Dataset, SerializeMixin): r"""Dataset used to read serialized examples in torch format. See :class:`SerializeMixin` for more details. Args: path (str): The path to the saved dataset. Note that unlike :class:`HDF5Dataset`, ``path`` is a directory rather than a file. transform (optional, callable): Transform to be applied to data tensors. target_transform (optional, callable): Transform to be applied to label tensors. If given, the loaded dataset must produce pattern (optional, str): Pattern of filenames to match. """ def __init__( self, path: str, transform: Optional[Callable[[Tensor], Any]] = None, target_transform: Optional[Callable[[Tensor], Any]] = None, pattern: str = "*.pth", ): self.path = path self.pattern = pattern pattern = os.path.join(path, pattern) self.files = sorted(list(glob.glob(pattern))) self._transform = transform self._target_transform = target_transform def __repr__(self): rep = f"TorchDataset({self.path}" if self.pattern != "*.pth": rep += f", pattern={self.pattern}" if self._transform is not None: rep += f", transform={self._transform}" if self._target_transform is not None: rep += f", transform={self._target_transform}" rep += ")" return rep def __getitem__(self, pos: int) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...]]: target = self.files[pos] example = torch.load(target, map_location="cpu") return self.__postprocess(list(example)) def __len__(self): return len(self.files) def __postprocess(self, tensors: List[Tensor]) -> Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, ...]]: if len(tensors) < 0: raise RuntimeError("Loaded dataset returned no tensors") # require two or more tensors when target transform given if self._target_transform is not None and len(tensors) < 2: raise RuntimeError( "Expected loaded dataset to return 2 tensors" f"when target_transform is given, found {len(tensors)}" ) # warn if more than 2 tensors - result will be # (transform(t1), target_transform(t2), t3, ...) if (self._transform is not None or self._target_transform is not None) and len(tensors) > 2: warnings.warn( f"Loaded dataset returned {len(tensors)} tensors when transform/target_transform " "given. Only tensors 1 and 2 will have a transform applied." ) if self._transform is not None: tensors[0] = self._transform(tensors[0]) if self._target_transform is not None: tensors[1] = self._target_transform(tensors[1]) return tuple(tensors) if len(tensors) > 1 else tensors[0]
def _write_shard(path, source, shard_size, shard_index=None, verbose=True): if shard_index is not None: path, ext = os.path.splitext(path) path = path + f"_{shard_index}" + ext if verbose: print(f"Writing file {path}", end="", flush=True) with h5py.File(path, "w") as f: for example_index, example in enumerate(source): example = (example,) if isinstance(example, Tensor) else example for i, tensor in enumerate(example): key = f"data_{i}" if key not in f.keys(): f.create_dataset(key, (shard_size, *tensor.shape)) f[key][example_index, ...] = tensor if verbose: print(".", end="", flush=True) if shard_index is not None: f.attrs["shard_index"] = int(shard_index) return path def _finalize_master(dataset, path, files): # create virtual dataset as master for multiple shards if len(files) > 1: first_file = next(iter(files)) data_keys = [k for k in h5py.File(first_file, "r").keys() if "data_" in k] with h5py.File(path, "w") as f: for key in data_keys: data_shape = h5py.File(first_file, "r")[key].shape layout = h5py.VirtualLayout(shape=(len(files),) + data_shape) for i, filename in enumerate(files): vsource = h5py.VirtualSource(filename, key, shape=data_shape) layout[i, ...] = vsource f.create_virtual_dataset(key, layout, fillvalue=0) # set object attributes on master with h5py.File(path, "a") as f: for key, value in vars(dataset).items(): if not isinstance(value, Tensor): try: f.attrs[key] = value except TypeError: pass return path def _check_h5py(): if h5py is None: raise ImportError( "HDF5 operations require h5py. " "Please install combustion with 'hdf5' extras using " "pip install combustion [hdf5]" ) __all__ = ["save_hdf5", "save_torch", "SerializeMixin", "HDF5Dataset", "TorchDataset"]

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